Sunday, March 7, 2010

We've moved!

Wow, what a process! But one 26' U-haul truck, plus the biggest U-haul trailer and three earlier trips with our own trailer and we have everything moved.

Not everything UNpacked yet, ha! That will take a while.

We have been here a week now and we're loving every minute. DH is working from home and we have started back with school. We are *considering* putting the children into public school here, mainly because there aren't as many opportunities for social interaction as there were back in Colorado (homeschool groups, etc.) We're first going to finish up this school year and explore the area and see how we feel though. It may turn out that there is in fact enough to do to keep everyone happy.

We have been loving the sunsets here, they are stunningly beautiful. This is one of the pictures my 13 yo DD took:

We have also started back up with chickens. Couldn't resist the little chicks at the feed store. So we have 14 chicks, a mix of rainbow layers, RIR and Buff Orpingtons. These will be our layers. We brought our coop and run with us, so we're ready for them, we're planning on having these be as free range as we can manage. Aren't they cute!?

We can't wait 'til we can put in a garden and really get started here. So much to do and we're looking forward to all of it!

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