Sunday, April 6, 2008

We're having company for two weeks (arriving Tuesday!) so we've been super busy getting ready for them. I'm a little intimidated at the thought of having to cook for twelve people!

We've had a lot happening here too.... first off, nope that egg I posted about earlier was not a double yolk like we had hoped.. :(

However! Shimmer has been really amazing and laid us THREE double yolk eggs this past week! Here is a photo of one of them alongside a "regular" sized egg.

We were all very impressed with her, what a great hen!

These are all our eggs from last week. Our ladies have been laying beautifully, we're getting almost three eggs every day. You can see the three double yolk eggs on the left side of the box. It's quite interesting that each hen lays a distinctive color egg. Shimmer lays darker brown eggs than Henny Penny and Miss Pearl off course lays white eggs.

We saved all the eggs up and had "egg in a hole" for breakfast on Saturday morning. YUMMY!

Hmm... what do you suppose could be in this cute little box?

We split an order with friends, and our part of the order was 13 RIR chicks. Somehow they snuck an extra chick in there, so we actually have 14 chicks! Aren't they cute?! They're currently in their little brooder cheeping happily. We'll only be keeping four of them as we only need 7 layers, the rest we'll sell when they're a little older.
That is all for now, I probably won't be posting much in the next two weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Double yolks are always a welcomed bonus.
    The new chicks are too cute. :)
    Enjoy your company!


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