Our chickens are laying almost up to speed, and we're getting about a dozen eggs a day. Not bad for 14 layers!

We have moved their coop and run into the shade so they can laze about in the shade until 12 pm when we let them out. When we moved it we fixed up the fencing on the bottom so it looks nice instead of ramshackle.

The two roosters are let out earlier so the girls don't have to be constantly pestered by them while they're cooped up. The Buff Orpington rooster will be stew very soon, he is starting to show signs of attacking the humans.. and two roosters is one too many anyway.
Our youngest son had a run-in with a chicken. He stuck his head in the coop while we were putting them up for the night and of course eyes are nice and shiny at night and one of the chickens decided to take a peck. He ended up with a scratched cornea and after a night in the ER and two appointments at the opthalmologist he is right as rain. Thank you Lord that it all ended well, it could have had a much worse outcome. Here is the little guy in his "special sunglasses" he was given to protect his eye from the light while he was healing.

Of course he was back out again the next day with the chickens. He dearly loves them and anything to do with them.
He was not the only one to have eye problems this summer. Butterbelle came down with pink eye and we had to treat it. To do this we had to rope her so we could get her halter on and then squirt LA200 into her eye a few times. We did try to inject her but since we had nothing to keep her still with, that was an impossible task. She is all better now, but a bit wary of us after trying to jab her with a needle, so we need to let her warm back up to us. Poor cow. Dan got the waterer fixed and I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I am that we don't have to lug buckets of water out there everyday anymore. We have found someone to do AI on her, so in about 2 weeks she will be getting AI'd. She is such a beautiful cow and so friendly. I love her. This photo was taken before we got the halter on. We are starting to halter train her. A long and slow process.

Someone blessed us with two female kittens. We woke up one morning and there they were, all hungry and scrawny. We have tried to find homes for them, but no one wants kittens and the animal shelters in our area aren't accepting anymore kittens. Of course the children wanted to keep them.. kittens are so cute! These will be strictly "barn cats" and live outdoors. Right now they're "garage cats" until we get our barn built.

We also have another member of the family: Ribsy. He joined our family as our oldest son's dog, and he's really a neat companion to have around. He's pretty mellow for a puppy and he's taking and learning instructions really well. We've had him three weeks now and he will sit, stay, lie down and listen to "no" when commanded. He hasn't had an accident inside for almost a week now, so we're doing great! He loves to play tug of war and I haven't decided if the kids wear him out, or if he wears the kids out ;) Now if we could just get him to stop chewing things he's not supposed to...

We have moved their coop and run into the shade so they can laze about in the shade until 12 pm when we let them out. When we moved it we fixed up the fencing on the bottom so it looks nice instead of ramshackle.

The two roosters are let out earlier so the girls don't have to be constantly pestered by them while they're cooped up. The Buff Orpington rooster will be stew very soon, he is starting to show signs of attacking the humans.. and two roosters is one too many anyway.
Our youngest son had a run-in with a chicken. He stuck his head in the coop while we were putting them up for the night and of course eyes are nice and shiny at night and one of the chickens decided to take a peck. He ended up with a scratched cornea and after a night in the ER and two appointments at the opthalmologist he is right as rain. Thank you Lord that it all ended well, it could have had a much worse outcome. Here is the little guy in his "special sunglasses" he was given to protect his eye from the light while he was healing.

Of course he was back out again the next day with the chickens. He dearly loves them and anything to do with them.
He was not the only one to have eye problems this summer. Butterbelle came down with pink eye and we had to treat it. To do this we had to rope her so we could get her halter on and then squirt LA200 into her eye a few times. We did try to inject her but since we had nothing to keep her still with, that was an impossible task. She is all better now, but a bit wary of us after trying to jab her with a needle, so we need to let her warm back up to us. Poor cow. Dan got the waterer fixed and I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I am that we don't have to lug buckets of water out there everyday anymore. We have found someone to do AI on her, so in about 2 weeks she will be getting AI'd. She is such a beautiful cow and so friendly. I love her. This photo was taken before we got the halter on. We are starting to halter train her. A long and slow process.

Someone blessed us with two female kittens. We woke up one morning and there they were, all hungry and scrawny. We have tried to find homes for them, but no one wants kittens and the animal shelters in our area aren't accepting anymore kittens. Of course the children wanted to keep them.. kittens are so cute! These will be strictly "barn cats" and live outdoors. Right now they're "garage cats" until we get our barn built.

We also have another member of the family: Ribsy. He joined our family as our oldest son's dog, and he's really a neat companion to have around. He's pretty mellow for a puppy and he's taking and learning instructions really well. We've had him three weeks now and he will sit, stay, lie down and listen to "no" when commanded. He hasn't had an accident inside for almost a week now, so we're doing great! He loves to play tug of war and I haven't decided if the kids wear him out, or if he wears the kids out ;) Now if we could just get him to stop chewing things he's not supposed to...

He sure is cute!
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