Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Emerging Beauty

Yesterday the first of our seedlings just barely started to emerge, and today a few of them were big enough to go under the grow lights.

Isn't that just a thing of beauty?

Our grow lights are set up on a bookshelf in the basement. DH attached the lights to chains so we can raise them up slowly as the seedlings grow. We also use a small fan to blow gently on them. This discourages mold and also makes the seedlings stronger. If we do spot mold we spray the plants with a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide and water.

So this is their new home for a while:

I have to check them every day to make sure they aren't getting dried out. Colorado is extremely dry and these little pots aren't great at retaining water.

We didn't do much today that was terribly exciting, but we did shop some great sales for fruit at the grocery store today. We bought apples, oranges, grapefruit and green, black and red grapes . The kids love it when fruit goes on sale because they would rather eat fruit than candy! Wednesday night is our dessert night, but we chose to have grapes for dessert instead :)

1 comment:

  1. I just got a chance to come over and check out your blog - Great Blog!

    I hope to start some of my seeds soon, however, we are starting to wonder where we will plant them with our new land. We don't know if we can get a garden plowed up soon enough to start, nor do we think we will be here long enough to harvest! I might just have to plant some in both and hope to harvest from at least one!


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