We're currently learning about levers in school and discussed how a seesaw (oddly not a playground item you find very much in the US!) is a lever. We spoke about the very primitive seesaw that the Ingalls girls played on in the Little House on the Prairie TV series we're currently watching. This afternoon when they went out to play, what did I come outside to find?
Hehe. Put together mostly by DD11. Fulcrum in the new word of the day!
A little peek at our seedlings in case you were wondering how they are faring.
And lastly, DS4 used some of his birthday money to buy this "Cool Fewawwi". He was very disappointed when he took it out of the packaging though.
Do you notice something wrong with the car? Like maybe they put the front wheels on the back instead of on the front? LOL! Those front tires are too big for the front so they won't turn at all.
We'll have to find him another "Cool Wed Fewawwi" because the body is pop riveted together and there's no way to change it.
I wonder if it has any "strange and unusual" collector's value? Nah...
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